LOW 842
C-print Fuji Matt Crystal archive paper, © 2018 - ongoing
Part of ongoing work on environmental ethics, the photography series “LoW 842” reports the dangerous condition of a territory destroyed by the action of human beings, that beyond concerning Campania region, is recognisable elsewhere on a global level.
The anomalies of the landscape are depicted in their material dimension and chromatic expression: abandoned plastic waste, mattresses and tires in nature, piles of burnt glass wool at the edge of a country road, textile fabrics used to ignite illegal fires, toxic clouds of the arson of a plastic waste storage site, polluted waters, leachate in agricultural land, vegetables and fruits not harvested in fields poisoned by aquifers contaminated by adjacent dumps.
LoW in the title is the acronym of List of Waste, which refers to the list of 842 entries established by the European Commission to classify waste.
Parte di un ampio lavoro in fieri sull’etica dell’ambiente, la serie fotografica “LoW 842” racconta la pericolosa condizione di un territorio distrutto dall’azione dell’uomo che, anche se riguarda la regione Campania, possiamo riconoscere altrove a livello globale.
Rifiuti plastici, materassi e pneumatici abbandonati nella natura, cumuli di lana di vetro bruciata al bordo di una strada di campagna, letti di combustione per accendere roghi, nubi tossiche dell’incendio doloso di un deposito di plastica, acque inquinate, percolato in terreni agricoli, frutta e ortaggi non raccolti in campi avvelenati da falde acquifere contaminate da discariche adiacenti vengono raffigurati nella loro dimensione materica ed espressione cromatica.
Il titolo LoW è l’acronimo di List of Waste, che si riferisce all’elenco di 842 voci stabilite dall’Unione Europea per classificare i rifiuti.
Bitumen membrane in the nature
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #1
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #2
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #3
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #1
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #2
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #3
Mattresses unloaded in the open air next to side road
Dry paint scattered on ground
New road asphalt covering a cemented canal previously filled with waste #1, #2
Sequestered field with high amounts of asbestos covered with a plastic sheet for safety reasons #1, #2
Asbestos abandoned in a field
Metal waste unloaded in a sequestered field #1, #2
Tires unloaded at the edge of a country side road
Textile fabrics used to ignite illegal open-air fire at the edge of a country side road
During the toxic fire in a plastic waste storage facility #1, #2
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #1
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #2
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #3
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #4
Unsold vegetables dumped and burned in an unauthorized landfill
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #1
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #2
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #3
Savoy cabbage cultivated after the field soil contamination
Neglected plum tree in the field next to a waste storage site #2, #1
Polluted mouth of water purification plant
Abandoned tuff quarry filled with toxic waste
Bramble grown in abandoned tuff quarry filled with toxic waste
LOW 842
C-print Fuji Matt Crystal archive paper, © 2018 - ongoing
Part of ongoing work on the environmental ethics, the photography series “LoW 842” reports the dangerous condition of a territory destroyed by the action of human being, that beyond concerning Campania region, is recognisable elsewhere on a global level.
The anomalies of the landscape are depicted in their material dimension and chromatic expression: abandoned plastic waste, mattresses and tyres in nature, piles of burnt glass wool at the edge of a country road, textile fabrics used to ignite illegal fires, toxic clouds of the arson of a plastic waste storage site, polluted waters, leachate in agricultural land, vegetables and fruits not harvested in fields poisoned by aquifers contaminated by adjacent dumps.
LoW in the title is the acronym of List of Waste, which refers to the list of 842 entries established by the European Commission to classify waste.
Parte di un ampio lavoro in fieri sull’etica dell’ambiente, la serie fotografica “LoW 842” racconta la pericolosa condizione di un territorio distrutto dall’azione dell’uomo che, anche se riguarda la regione Campania, possiamo riconoscere altrove a livello globale.
Rifiuti plastici, materassi e pneumatici abbandonati nella natura, cumuli di lana di vetro bruciata al bordo di una strada di campagna, letti di combustione per accendere roghi, nubi tossiche dell’incendio doloso di un deposito di plastica, acque inquinate, percolato in terreni agricoli, frutta e ortaggi non raccolti in campi avvelenati da falde acquifere contaminate da discariche adiacenti vengono raffigurati nella loro dimensione materica ed espressione cromatica.
Il titolo LoW è l’acronimo di List of Waste, che si riferisce all’elenco di 842 voci stabilite dall’Unione Europea per classificare i rifiuti.
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #1
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #2
Piles of burnt glass wool at roadside of agricultural land #3
Mattresses unloaded in the open air next to side road
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #1
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #2
Industrial plastic panel littered next to a country road #3
Dry paint scattered on ground
New road asphalt covering a cemented canal previously filled with waste #1
New road asphalt covering a cemented canal previously filled with waste #2
Asbestos abandoned in a field
Sequestered field with high amounts of asbestos covered with a plastic sheet for safety reasons #1
Sequestered field with high amounts of asbestos covered with a plastic sheet for safety reasons #2
Metal waste unloaded in a sequestered field #1
Metal waste unloaded in a sequestered field #2
Textile fabrics used to ignite illegal open-air fire at the edge of a country side road
Tires unloaded at the edge of a country side road
During the toxic fire in a plastic waste storage facility #1
During the toxic fire in a plastic waste storage facility #2
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #1
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #2
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #3
Leachate leaked in a cultivate field from a close landfill #4
Unsold vegetables dumped and burned in an unauthorized landfill
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #1
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #2
Rotten tomatoes in a sequestrate field #3
Savoy cabbage cultivated after the field soil contamination
Neglected plum tree in the field next to a waste storage site #1
Neglected plum tree in the field next to a waste storage site #2
Polluted mouth of water purification plant
Abandoned tuff quarry filled with toxic waste
Bramble grown in abandoned tuff quarry filled with toxic waste